2025 Book marketing Planner

Book promotion tailored with you and for you.

  • Replace anxiety with confidence in your book promotion.
  • Trade self-consciousness for clarity.
  • Stop feeling like you're bothering, pestering, or interrupting people.
  • Learn effective selling strategies and banish manipulation.
  • Know that you're giving people good value with your writing.

What you get when you sign up:

  • our 2025 Book Marketing Planner
  • weekly marketing tips
  • first news about courses & VIP events
  • a chance to "get in the room" with publishing and marketing professionals

Hey author! Give your book a strong start in the New Year!

You have an important message, even before you have a book.

Let's get your message out to the people who want and need it!

Download our 2025 Book Marketing Planner to figure out what you can & can't do, what you will & won't do, what you'll get someone else to do, and what you won't do at all!

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    Siretona's Book Hatchery